Welcome to a totally different kind of health care for women

Functional medicine for women's health in London

It’s time to THRIVE ladies - take control of your health destiny

I help busy entrepreneurs and high functioning women move from anxiety, sleeplessness and weight loss resistance to calm, restfulness and shedding weight through my signature care programme THRIVE. 

I provide you with the personalised strategy and tools that help you show up with your best and highest health. 

I know how tough the last few years have been for women in a post-Covid world. We do more than our fair share and this impacts our health. We are often the last on that ladder of self care though, leading to later diagnoses and advanced signs and symptoms. Isn’t it time to stop surviving? I think so - I believe we are here to THRIVE. 

THRIVE delivers you your best and shiniest health - so what will you do with it? 

Find out about me - your guide and companion

I am a functional medicine doctor, aesthetics practitioner and former NHS surgeon. I am the founder of 2 thriving businesses, the mother of 3 wonderful children, wife to a fabulous artist, dog owner, family PA etc ..... I wear all the hats like so many of you. Sometimes all at the same time.

Most importantly - I am a perimenopausal woman. And I have a body, mind and spirit that has lived through the most profound amount of stress during the Covid pandemic. And I bear witness to how your lives and health has changed too which for me is my greatest honour. 

I have worked in a public healthcare system that I love but is broken. I have learnt from the challenges I faced, to try and bring you a health ecosystem that is health facing and not simply the avoidance of disease. 

I am passionate about your health and I truly believe that you are the key to accessing this - I am simply your guide and companion. When you have the answers and strategy to looking after yourself - you have the key to long term health and living your best and most thriving life. 

Your Human Health Journey

Who do I work with and how can I help you? 

Your journey with me starts with an alignment call where we check that we are a good fit for each other. A functional medicine approach to your health holds no magic solutions or a silver bullet. It takes time and patience and this is a journey we take together. So it’s important to check in at the start.  If we are in alignment then we move to a 90 minute consultation. This can be done from the comfort and safety of your own home using online video. During this session, I want to know everything about you! Together we are piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of your health which is critical to planning your next steps.  Within the next 48 hours I will provide you with a strategy. This is a written no-obligation personalised treatment plan that has been tailored around you and your needs.  At this point you can decide how you would like to work with me as I have 3 tiers of involvement.

Ready for your best health yet?


Women's Hormone Health & Wellness Education

Functional Medicine

Start with a deep dive consultation with me to find out where your health is struggling 

Instant Access

Join my hormone health programmes here


Join Human Health Membership here and learn together


I created my signature programme to give you the tools to experience a mindshift change, better understand your health all in the presence of a supportive community of women. I help you re-connect to your health by exploring symptoms and signs so you can  learn how to optimise your health.


My BodyFit programme is a strategic 12 week weight loss programme. It achieves this through a deep metabolic and hormone reset.

The ethos of Human Health by The Clinic™️

The ethos of Human Health™️ by The Clinic is to empower you to take control of your own health destiny. I combine traditional medicine, cutting edge science and root cause or functional medicine in London. My aim is to provide you with support, advice and strategies that allow you to achieve and maintain an optimal level of health. 

Women experience totally different health profiles because we are built differently! This results in particular changes in our metabolism leading to many symptoms like weight loss resistance, brain fog and anxiety. Further down the line diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancers can prevail. 

By investing in our ‘health pension pot’ - we can alter the course of our health destiny for later years.  When you optimise now, you can remain well as you get older. 

I help you navigate what can feel like an overwhelming sea of information - with accuracy, strategy and community as you build strength, resilience and ultimately increase the chances enjoying healthy longevity.

Functional Medicine Assessment | Blood, Genetic, Nutritional and Cortisol testing

Spending time to understand what health means to you is at the heart of everything we do. We also offer comprehensive and innovative testing options to get a full picture of how your body is functioning and what it needs to enable you to live life to your fullest potential. Then it’s time to get working on how to achieve that health!

So what’s the problem?

Modern lifestyles are often not conducive to long-term health. Covid has highlighted this further. We live our lives in a reactive way to illness, rather than a pro-active health-facing way. As women we experience different challenges as we transition thourgh our hormonal life.

From talking to so many of you now - I can see that we experience metabolic inflexibility and drops in our progesterone levels together with an increased level of cortisol. This triad is the key to our disease risk profile.

When you then combine the fact that we tend to inactivity, poor nutrition or over-nutrition, inadequate sleep, off the scale levels of stress and toxin exposure - you end up with a potential metabolic time bomb. Women are at higher risk of diseases like diabetes, cancers and Alzheimer's when we lose the protection of our hormones. 

Whilst this can all seem complicated and alarming - our body actually holds all the answers. What we just need is the time, space and solutions to slow down and listen.

I've seen this time and time again with the women I have helped. Let me help you to better understand and make these health choices.

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. Mahatma Gandhi

Events and Workshops 2024

We are always hosting events and workshops focused on your health.

This page is updated regularly with new events and workshops, don’t forget to check back or follow us on social media to be the first to know about new listings!

What our attendees think!

“Incredibly informative & engaging event! It’s so great to see myths debunked & science-led info explained in a clear and accessible way. Thank you Dr Mayoni, Kaley & team!”

Change your morning; change your life!

Get the step-by-step guide to starting your day right and learn how to love yourself back to life!

Start every morning with increased energy, lose stubborn weight, balance your hormones, and jumpstart your metabolism in the next 3-5 days.

Have questions?

Contact us at 020 8699 9496 or email Customer Services.

Learn about Dr. Mayoni's expertise by viewing her biography.

Ready for a personalised journey?



Phone: +44 208 699 9496

Address: 43 Honor Oak Park, London. SE23 1DZ

Clinic Hours:

Monday to Friday depending on in person or online requirements. Please ask at time of booking.

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